When held under suspicion of driving while under the influence, there are a number of potential tests or scenarios that Pennsylvanian residents should be prepared for. This includes possible car searches, as well as certain tests that may be utilized to determine whether or not a DUI has really occurred.
Field Sobriety Tests, a website that provides a collection of testing resources, goes into detail about their namesake, field sobriety tests. These tests are administered by police on the scene. Usually, they will use a standardized test version because they hold up better in courts than non-standardized tests. This can include the one-leg stand, the walk-and-turn, and the horizontal gaze nystagmus which will check a person’s eyes for rapid movement indicative of alcohol.
Breath analysis tests are also common. These devices, sometimes known by the brand name “breathalyzer”, will measure a person’s breath and detect the alcohol content on it. If the machine is calibrated and used properly, it can get a fairly accurate reading of the blood alcohol level (BAC) of the person who has blown into it. There is a rule of implied consent that allows police officers to assume that by getting on the road at all, a driver has given their consent to take these tests.
FindLaw also states that blood tests for traces of alcohol may be done. While forced blood draws are allowed in some states, the Supreme Court did rule in 2013 that a warrant was needed beforehand. Generally speaking, any extreme measures are usually only taken if the driver was involved in a serious accident and refused to submit to a test afterward.